Tuesday, 9 February 2010

Idea's for Album Cover

As we are nearing the end of filming our video we have started to plan ahead for our ancillary tasks. One of which is to create an album cover for our band. After looking at several other bands album covers we began to notice that many of them don't actually have any relevance to the actual songs on it. We have come up with some ideas we could use and i think it is important we choose an idea so we can focus on the design. These are some of the ideas we have come up with:
-The Band performing but with a black and white image
-A black background with different coloured times from a digital clock
-A picture of a clock
-An empty set with just instruments
-Symbols from the song
-A heart

Existing Album Covers

Below are some album covers from existing artist's which i think look particularly good.

The album cover above is that of British pop/rock band Keane and their most recent album Perfect Symmetry. I like the abstract image of the cover as all the pictures of the man are mixed up against triangles. The album cover does look good even though the cover isn't showing perfect symmetry like the album name suggests it would.

The album cover above is from 1969 and is by The famous Beatles. The album itself is called Abbey Road which can be seen in the cover as the Beatles are walking across it. This has made this street famous across the world but the name actually comes from the recording studio that is there an that the Beatles used.
The final album i have chosen to look at is London Calling by The Clash. I'm not a fan of the font used on the album cover but the image is what makes the album iconic as it shows the image of a bass guitar being smashed after a show. This image is clearly for the fans as every Clash fan knows this image and it also shows more emotions of the band in the sense of passion that they have for their music.

Third Day of Filming

On our third day of filming we once again had moved to a new location. This was perhaps the best location overall but one we could have had prior to our first time filming. We had original thought of filming our music video at The Red Lion pub in Northfleet where many local bands first start out. This made the location a convenient choice for us as our band would feel more comfortable and it would also look more realistic as it is where bands play. At first the lighting was an issue as we couldn't light the whole band and when we did it didn't look to good. However after talking to the landlord we were able to get the stage lights to come on and this helped light the band better which meant we could continue filming. In total we got nearly an hour's worth of footage after being there for nearly 4 hours. In this day of filming we were able to get hold of another camera which should lead to better video quality. My main concern about this day of filming is if we got enough decent footage to use and edit in our final cut version. We may need to go back and get some more footage, and before i look at the footage on the computer i already feel that we didn't get as many handheld moving shots as i would have liked. The one remaining problem we have with our filming situation is that we are quickly running out of time and we are starting to feel the pressure.