The relationship between lyrics and visuals is very weak. The first sign on lyrics to visual representation is at 1:24 in the video where the lead singer Liam Gallagher sings "and all the roads we have to walk are winding", at this point Liam is sitting in a chair just as if its unwinding which shows a brief correlation with the lyrics. The next brief part of the video where the lyrics are expressed with visuals is at 2:40 of the music video. At this point Liam sings "and all the lights that light the way are blinding", at which stage their is a close up on Liam with the contrast changing quickly from black the white. These are the only parts where the lyrics and visuals have a direct relationship which is strange as the video has no real direct reference to the lyrics of the song, and this can be seen throughout the video.
I feel their is a strong relationship between the music and the visuals which would be a reason for why the lyrics and the visuals have a weak relationship. The video is cut in paces depending on the beat. At the beginning where Noel Gallagher is playing the opening of the song whilst sitting on a chair, the video cuts closer to him whilst keeping in time with the music he's playing. During the video this happens several time and the video also cuts around the drum beat as well. An example of this would be at 2:40 when a close up on Liam sees the gradient change in time with the drum beat. The pace of the song is consistent throughout the video with some shots of the video being spilt into 4 and 12 sections sometimes with the same image and sometimes with different images. The relationship between the music and visuals is why this video is as good as it is, because it shows you don't need to narrate the lyrics in a video to put your point across.
The clothes that the artists are wearing is very common to what they normally wear in their music videos which are jeans, shirts and jumpers. These common types of clothing may be to make the artists more relatable as their not exactly clothes ordinary people wear. One other similarity is the glasses the lead singer is wearing which are a pair of rounded dark shade glasses which are very common in their videos. This could be considered a statement as their inspiration John Lennon used to wear a pair the same. These glasses were in Oasis's next music video, Don't Look Back in Anger, and previous Oasis music video's such as Supersonic. Below shows 4 screenshots of 4 different videos of where the glasses in wonderwall can be seen again.

This music video isn't very narrative and i would say the majority of it is performance based as you can see either someone singing or playing an instrument on several occasions throughout the video.
Overall i think this is a great music video with a lot of the reason being the editing of it. The video does use the beat of the song to change shots but sometimes it will just change during a note. What impressed me most was how well the contrast worked as their was no colour except for the change in guitar colour throughout the video which may just be their to add extra emphasis on that instrument. The camera positions were also very ordinary but the way the people and mise-en-scene was used helped to add an extra dimension to this video. I feel that the video was shot very ordinarily but editing so well it helped make the music video a success. Below is the music video by Oasis called Wonderwall: